'Pendulum Dowsing' is the ancient art of 'divination' that is carried out via a swinging pendulum that is held in the practitioners hand. It is the process of making intuitive thoughts visible and clear to see.

By asking your pendulum direct questions, you may receive straight forward yes or no answers from your higher self, a guardian angel or even our cosmic creator.

Before you begin the divine dowsing process, cleansing your pendulum is necessary to remove any negative energy from unwanted sources and this can be done by simply placing your pendulum into the warmth of direct sunlight.

To begin you will need to charge your pendulum with your own energy or power and program the pendulum by asking or commanding it to show you, your yes or no swing direction. 

This can be from left to right for a yes answer and front to back for a no answer or from clockwise for a yes answer and anti-clockwise for a no answer.

Before going out and buying a heavily jewelled, expensive dowsing pendulum, you could use something that is free and as simple as a safety pin on a cotton thread or something you may already own like a necklace with a small pendent on it, just to get a feel for dowsing and decide if pendulum dowsing works and feels right for you.

There is a vast amount of information to be found in books on pendulum dowsing, divining, or scrying on the Amazon website. You can also look through or purchase one of the many different types of beautiful and ornate dowsing pendulums that are listed there, from good reliable sources.


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