Pressure point therapy or Acupressure increases blood flow to a particular area of the body. Learning pressure point therapy will give you the knowledge and power to heal the mind, body and any issues with your bodily functions. Once mastered, Acupressure can be a complete do it yourself treatment for everyday ailments, that can be carried out by yourself in a comfortable, private and safe environment. Applying pressure to specific areas or vital points on the body, will help you to naturally release tension, ease aches and pains, rejuvenate skin and even help to overcome various skin conditions, when applied in the correct manner. Acupressure: How to cure common ailments the natural way 5 Aug 2004 £14.72 - £15.98 Prime Paperback , Hardcover Only 2 left in stock - order soon. 4.6 out of 5 stars 62 Acupressure & Reflexology for Dummies 17 Aug 2007 £10.44 - £10.99 Prime Paperback , Kindle Edition 3.5 ...